Yes, well in many cases it really has been.
In April the Central Coast became part of a Six Cities Mega region, taking in all the three Sydney regions plus Wollongong
and Newcastle. The idea being that such a mega region could look something like San Francisco’s Bay Area, the Netherlands’
Randstad, or the Pearl River Delta.
Announced by Premier Perrottet, the idea is certainly visionary. However, one must ask, how will the Central Coast fare in this
new world?
After all, for the past four years the NSW Government has literally been pouring billions into Western Sydney and snubbing
the Central Coast.
Anyway, by September, the Greater Cities Commission (GCC), (formerly the Greater Sydney Commission) had appointed former
NSW Environment Minister the Hon. Robyn Parker as Central Coast Commissioner. She joins two others from Newcastle and
At the same time the GCC released a ‘Discussion Paper’ to be a ‘blueprint to better connect and create more liveable cities
across NSW as well as providing more access to services and opening new doors for businesses to thrive’. It will be late 2024
before we know the results.
In May, having been dragged kicking and screaming the NSW Government finally announced that the University of Newcastle
would be the preferred university to establish a desperately needed Central Coast Campus in Gosford. It took until July to
announce that it would contribute its share to make it happen.
The University is now preparing plans for the construction of the site that will commence in 2023.
This Campus will complement the UON’s Central Coast Medical School and Research Institute opened in 2021 adjacent to
Gosford Hospital.
If it was not for CCBR and the Gosford Erina Business Chamber one wonders if we would ever have got this Campus – promised
by Premier Berejiklian four years ago!
In March the Government finally sacked all Central Coast Councillors - the mob (excluding a few) who sent the place broke.
Administrator Rik Hart, appointed a year earlier, had his position confirmed until the next council elections in September 2024.
The shamble that was the Central Coast Council can now look forward to a strong financial future under this Administrator
and CEO David Farmer.
Having said that, there is no doubt that Council’s Director of Environment and Planning Dr Alice Howe, appointed earlier
this year, has a big job on her hands.
In September CCBR reported on the enormous backlog of Development Applications with developers and builders saying they must allow at least twelve months to get a complying DA approved.
On the positive side we now find meanwhile, two major residential developments are now underway and one soon to start will change Gosford forever.
In May the Alceon Group commenced construction of Rumbalara Luxury Residences on John Whiteway Drive on the highest point of Rumbalara Reserve overlooking all of Gosford. When completed in 2024 this development will feature 188 luxury residences across two hectares with four buildings, pools, club amenities and the rest.
At the same time Sydney developer and construction company St Hilliers commenced construction of the first of a 28-level, 136-unit residential tower on the old Gosford Primary School site overlooking Gosford Boat Harbour. To be known as The Waterfront it is planned for completion in 2024.
The most anticipated news of the year has been the acquisition of The Archibald site right in the centre of Gosford.
Sydney property developer and builder ALAND acquired the site in June and is proceeding with the project that will see two 28-level towers with 289 residential units and a 167 room 5-star hotel with conference facilities and willget underway early in 2023.
All three developments are reporting strong off-the-plan sales. The bottom line is that 2023 and 2024 will be a very positive time for Gosford and the Central Coast after too many years of frustrating setbacks. Finally, may we thank all our readers, subscribers, and advertisers for their support again this year. As we move into our 34th year of publication we wish you a Very Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Edgar Adams
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