A poisoned challis for Labor?
The May 2022 Federal Election will go down as a watershed moment in Australian political history, not because there has been a change in government but because we will now have a government influenced by the largest number of independents all with an idea that their ideas will save Australia and the World.
The Teals – financed by a squllionaire who inherited his wealth from a corporate raider – all coming from a privileged upbringing and little knowledge if any of the world prior to 1990 when peace broke out and set us on a path to global prosperity.
But first we must congratulate Mr Albanese and Labor for taking government although he will have to navigate his way around the Teals and The Greens all of whom think fairies grow at the bottom of the garden.
The Liberals have been their own worst enemy, and this is also in NSW. Who are they?
We know exactlly where we are with Labor – Left. But the Liberals have some idea that they can be all things to all people. It doesn’t work.
Trying to capture the middle ground isn’t easy and this election has shown that there is no middle ground. Right now there is little middle ground within the Liberal Party it is mostly Left and very little Right.
While Mr Morrison had to navigate a period of untold turmoil, firstly with bushfires, then drought and finally COVID on too many occasions he showed he did not have the capacity to relate to people at any level.
But it goes further. The Liberals at the grass root level have lost their way in finding good quality candidates and giving them time to get established out in the electorate.
The Liberals need to understand that they are competing with a highly organised professional group of career politicians who cut their teeth in the union movement and local government.
To them politics is not a hobby it is a ruthless, no holds barred occupation. The niceties of life don’t enter their head.
As for the Greens, and now the Teals, we have here a very dangerous grouping of activists who have the capacity to undermine our very democracy.
Their plan is to change the world at any cost and they have some idea that Australia will set the example.
As for the poisoned challis,
Mr Albanese moves into government as the world is changing at rapid speed. It started with COVID and is now being intensified with the Russia Ukraine invasion that has seen sanctions on Russian gas and oil. Russia and Ukraine produce almost 30% of the world’s grain.
Europe, totally dependent on Russian gas and oil, is now being forced to put climate change on hold as they wake up to the reality that renewables don’t cut it. At the same time in California and Texas the lights are out due to their reliance on renewables.
Food prices are skyrocketing world-wide and causing inflation to take off. No Australian government can control this.
Supply chain issues because of the pandemic have caused all sorts of shortages from commodities to goods and this could last years.
Costs that have been held down for 30 years since we engaged with China but are rising as we wake up to the fact that we have been living in bubble and the party is over.
Unemployment is the lowest in 48 years so there is only one way for that to go,
Australia’s success since Federation has been stable politics. Liberal or Labor no riots when the government changed. It is the reason we are seen as a safe and stable place for global investors to invest in.
This is now in jeopardy.
Finally, will Mr Albanese be PM for the next election or Mr Shorten.
The unions must be popping champaign corks with ACTU Secretary Sally McManus cock o’ hoop.
The Australian Building and Construction Commission now on the skids as the unions take over. After all the unions and the union and ALP controlled mega superannuation funds funded this election.
Does it mean much for business on the Central Coast?
Not really. Except that Labor can be expected to honour its promise to fund a food manufacturing hub at Lisarow (see Page 00)
For all the billions of dollars the Feds and the Berejillian/Perrottet Government have poured into Western Sydney at the expense of other electorates, including the Central Coast, it looks like that wont do them a jot of good come March 2023
Edgar Adams
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