Administrator announces new CEO for Central Coast Council
Central Coast Council Administrator, Mr Dick Persson AM has announced Mr David Farmer as the new Chief Executive Officer of Central Coast Council.
Mr Persson said the appointment of Mr Farmer and his experience is crucial in leading Council toward recovery and will provide strong reassurance to the community that the tough decisions taken now will not be wasted.
"David has had up to 40 years' experience in Local Government in New South Wales and Queensland, each of his last three roles have involved major challenges in governance and finance, the same challenges that face this Council, and I'm encouraged knowing that David is well equipped in leading the Council through these issues," said Mr Persson.
Mr Farmer an accountant by profession, has been Chief Executive of four Councils over the past 23 years, 10 years at both Cairns and Wollongong City Councils and more recently at Ipswich, the fastest growing Council in Queensland.
"David has a proven track record of success in operating large councils and has been selected based on this solid experience." said Mr Persson.
"The Central Coast community should feel very reassured that a new and strong CEO will deliver the positive outcome everyone wants to see.
"I look forward to welcoming David to the position on 12 April 2021."
Each of his last three roles have involved major challenges in governance and finance. He has assisted an elected Council successfully return from a period of Administration at both Wollongong and Ipswich.
At Cairns he oversaw the recovery of the organisation, taking over five years after a poorly implemented merger. This involved turning around a deteriorating financial situation and correcting a failed IT systems implementation.
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