Boosting manufacturing on the Central Coast – A Labor promise
Shadow Minister for Industry and Innovation, Ed Husic MP and Member for Dobell Emma McBride announced in early May that an Albanese Labor Government will boost manufacturing jobs on the north end of the Central Coast by funding a Food Manufacturing Innovation Hub.
The Coast has a strong history of manufacturing, especially in food and beverage, but currently has no pilot facilities for product development.
As part of this commitment, Labor will invest $17.14 million to create a Food Manufacturing Hub on the Coast, which will be backed up by $34 million from industry.
It will be managed by not-for-profit manufacturing network, Central Coast Industry Connect (CCIC).
This will create 285 jobs, made up of 85 during construction and another 200 ongoing jobs in food product manufacturing.
This project has the full support of CCIC and their partners TrendPac, Regional Development Australia, and the University of Newcastle with food manufacturers Sanitarium, Mars Food, Sara Lee, and Agrana supporting the initiative.
The Food Manufacturing Innovation Hub is strategically located at Lisarow near a unique mix of local and national food and beverage manufacturers and smaller artisan food producers.
The hub will be based at Lisarow and will house a purpose-built facility designed to grow local food manufacturing businesses and attract more manufacturers to the region.
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