Council’s Plan for Gosford to be iconic waterfront city
At its 27th September meeting Central Coast Council adopted the Gosford Waterfront Concept and will develop a draft Waterfront Masterplan.
Council will now proceed to get community feedback to inform the development of the Masterplan and seek government funding to progress the business case for the project as well as government investment.
Council has been working behind the scenes since April 2021 when the decision was taken to develop a Waterfront Renewal Framework and identify the opportunities identified in previous proposals and reports.
Council says the time is right for a collective vision to make Gosford an iconic waterfront city.
“Gosford’s waterfront is not only a major opportunity for the city’s renewal but, even better, an undisputed opportunity for Gosford City to join the great waterfronts of the world”, Council says.
The area under review extends from Gosford Sailing Club around to railway bridge over the entrance to Narara Creek.
It will comprise:
- A residential and commercial component,
- Boutique hotel,
- Ferry terminal,
- Marina berths,
- Dry boat storages,
- Multi level car park,
- Redevelopment of the Olympic Pool, and
- Other community facilities
It will be linked by a wide pedestrian bridge over the main road as well as an under-bridge pedestrian walkway.
Council has not reinvented the wheel but added to the multitude of state government strategic documents that have identified the waterfront as being a regional attractor over the years.
CCBR totally supports this proposal. It will require both public and private funding but initially it will need government to provide seed funding. With an election due in March 2023 now is the time for both the Government and Opposition to show their support for the plan with funds.
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