Council’s plans for Gosford Waterfront an opportunity we cannot allow to get side-tracked
It is an ill wind that blows no good, someone once said.
And maybe the collapse of the first Central Coast Council may have a silver lining to it.
The announcement, in late September that Council would progress the work they have obviously been working on for some time with the redevelopment of the Gosford Waterfront is an opportunity that cannot be allowed to get side-tracked like some many in the past.
Gosford’s waterfront is not only a major project for the city’s renewal but, even better, for it to be an undisputed opportunity for Gosford City to join the great waterfronts of the world. And this Council sees this.
In many respects this Master Plan resembles the Our City Our Destiny Master Plan for Gosford City introduced in 2010 by the Gosford City Council and had widespread community support. So much so that the Labor Government set up the Central Coast Regional Development Corporation to make it happen.
That it fell apart is now history and the community now has the chance to make it happen.
However, to ensure that it does happen it will be essential for Council’s Administrator, Rik Hart to put in place a structure that cannot be changed when we revert to an elected council in September 2024.
Council’s announcement comes at a time when we are seeing unprecedented developments now coming to fruition.
Consider the following:
Right now St Hilliers’ have started construction on the first of a two tower residential development overlooking Gosford Boat Harbour.
St Hillers are now working on plans for the 2nd stage of the development of their site which will see a commercial office building and high-rise residential and retail/entertainment development.
The bulldozers are in on the Rumbalara Residences project (see Page 8) on John Whiteway Drive overlooking all of Gosford and Brisbane Water. Sydney developer Alceon has identified that there is a market for high end accommodation in Gosford.
The Archibald development on the corner of Mann and Donaldson Streets, Gosford with its twin 28-storey towers comprising 5-Star hotel and rooftop bar and residential apartments is expected to commence construction in the next few months.
ALAND who acquired the property earlier in the year has opened a Display Suite in Mann Street and is now selling off-the-plan.
The University of Newcastle has lodged its Development Application with the Department of Planning for their much anticipated Gosford Campus in Mann Street.
CCBR understands that Landcom, the state government’s property development organisation is moving forward with its plan to acquire the former Gosford Council Chambers and adjacent land.
Landcom’s plans are for the council chamber building to be repurposed to provide additional space for the Conservatorium of Music along with high quality office accommodation.
The land adjacent to that will see a new multi-level TAFE erected and the old TAFE redeveloped for affordable housing.
We are expecting an official announcement by the end of this year on this project.
Council is proceeding with the new Gosford Regional Library in Donnison. A $27.7 million project with completion expected by May 2024.
The City of Gosford is about to come alive, now is the time for the smart business operators to get in and take advantage of what is ahead.
Mann Street is suffering the depravation of 30 years of neglect.
One smart operator is Grant Buchan, a Sydney businessman and regular visitor the Coast who took note of the cranes that were up in Gosford in 2018 and 2019.
He asked himself what will these people do when they move in as Gosford had nothing to offer. He set up Bay Rd Brewing in Donnison Street and the place is going gangbusters.
There are opportunities galore coming in Gosford.
Who will have the vision to see it all?
Edgar Adams
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