Councillors fudge on Airport again
The issue of Warnervale Airport continues to blight the Central Coast with the whole region desperately in need of employment.
A Notice of Motion from Councillors Best and McLachlan at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 22 June 2020 saw a lengthy debate resulting in the motion being amended to suit the anti-airport councillors.
The debate which was the last item on the Agenda required extra time to be debated.
Clr Best, who has brought forward numerous motions since the election of Council to get the Central Coast Airport Master Plan, which was produced at a cost of $450,000 during the Administration of Council, placed on Public Exhibition.
Essentially Clr Best's efforts are for Council to formally consult with the community through the 'formal' release of the Central Coast Airport Master Plan stages 1 to 5.
Clr McLachlan said that behind closed doors, millions were spent on sending a new business away from the Coast. He said that Economic Development Director, Jamie Barclay had spoken at a business meeting at Mingara and said the airport had the potential for 5000 jobs.
"Why are you against jobs? If the community is against this, let them tell us," said Clr McLachlan
Clr Marquet said,. "Councillors terrified ratepayers might like an airport on the Central Coast
Cr Smith: It really disturbs me that Crs Best, McLachlan and Marquart say we are against jobs. We have established the Warnervale Working Group to progress work on employment opportunities in the Warnervale area and we have to get those jobs into the north.
These three gentlemen are trying to take us back to an old concept.
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