It was about jobs and tax
Its been a nail biting five months for businesses on the Central Coast and everywhere else too for that matter.
First came the State Elections which returned the Berejiklian Liberal Government although the results for the Central Coast were less encouraging than elsewhere in the state where Labor retained the Seats of Gosford, The Entrance and Wyong.
But the Big Win was the Federal Election where the Shorten Socialist Opposition lost out to the voters who had their measure.
It was all about jobs and tax and while everyone would like a pay rise what we people are getting now is better than the alternative no job. Shorten and his mates in the unions have some warped idea that every business owner in Australia is ripping off their employees by not paying them more wages. What they don't get is that most businesses are struggling to stay afloat. There is no fat.
Of course that doesn't excuse those who are underpaying their staff. Everyone is entitled to be properly paid for the work they do.
While the elections are out of our hair the promises that were made by the State Liberals and the Federal Liberals cannot be allowed to slide under the carpet.
The revitalisation of Gosford City Centre has to be top of the list and the momentum created by the Coordinator General for the Central Coast, Lee Shearer, has to be continued.
The NSW State Budget for 2019-20 will be handed down on Tuesday 18th June.
That will be the indicator as to the Premier's intentions to honour the commitments made over the past year. We all need to be vigilant!
Still on state politics it is worthy of mention that the state seat of The Entrance and the federal seat of Dobell are no longer Labor strongholds.
This is a point that needs to be driven home to the Member for Wyong who opposes the airport at Warnervale and the Wyong coal mine. Both generators of well paid jobs desperately needed in this region.
The Federal election showed beyond doubt that jobs trump tits and frogs any day.
Closer to home and while the Central Coast Council elections are not until September next year yes another fifteen months of purgatory! the Mayoral election is coming up in three months.
Never in this region's history have ratepayers had to put up with a council like this one, headed up by a fanatical greenie whose sole interest appears to be to hold the region's economy to ransom with her green ideologies.
The only leadership she has shown is to highlight the Central Coast region as a no-go area for investors those people who create jobs, real jobs. She has no interest whatsoever in advancing our economy.
Those councillors who elected her for two whole years, and that includes Liberal and Labor councillors, share the responsibility.
Meanwhile, these councillors need to stop their childish political games that are holding our region back. They are equally culpable.
These two-bob councillors (most of them) are playing with people's lives.
And one more thing!
We have 15 months to find enough candidates to stand for Council and turn it around.
At CCBR we have plenty of friends who would support a group of independents who could really make a difference.
Let's get a movement going now.
Our congratulations to Lucy Wicks for her resounding win in Robertson. Robertson once was Labor territory. Not anymore.
Also our congratulations to Ben Morton, the Member for Tangney in Western Australia but who grew up in Wyong and has been appointed Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
The Morton Family is one of the most respected families on the Coast. He is young, intelligent, hardworking and humble and Australia's future.
Edgar Adams
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