New focus on residential growth with four TODs on Coast
With the NSW Government facing a string of Councils making it difficult for developers to get Development Applications for desperately needed housing approved, the Minister for Planning and Homes earlier in the year announced changes to planning controls to allow residential housing around major railway stations.
Transport Oriented Developments (TODs) on the Central Coast will be at: Gosford, Tuggerah, Wyong and Woy Woy
Transport Oriented Developments are a planning strategy that aims to concentrate housing and jobs around public transport hubs by amending planning controls to allow developments by introducing State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) largely overriding local councils.
A recalcitrant Central Coast Council is now in the frame to get on board with the Government’s plans.
Gosford is already on the way to being a TOD with a Gosford City Centre SEPP approved by the State Government in 2018.
The result has seen seven major residential projects now under construction that will result in over 700 apartments being completed by early 2025.
Tuggerah is ideally suited as a TOD location as it is surrounded by a large area of undeveloped land around the railway station.
It is also at the intersection of all major roads to the coastal areas.
The Tuggerah precinct includes Tuggerah railway station and bus terminus, Central Coast Mariners Centre of Excellence and training grounds, Central Coast Regional Sports Centre, Westfield shopping centre, HomeCo Super Centre, Tuggerah Industrial Area and Tuggerah Business Park as well as the Mardi residential area developed at the time of the opening of Westfield.
“The opportunity for Wyong to contribute to the housing and business needs of our growing community on the Central Coast are huge,” said Wyong Business Chamber President Matthew Lusted.
“This aligns perfectly with the State and Federal fully funded upgrade of the Pacific Highway and bus/rail interchange right in the centre of Wyong, which is set to commence within 12 months.
“On the Eastern side of Wyong, there are large parcels of underutilized community land, only a stone’s throw from the bus/rail interchange which needs to be transferred from Local to State control.
“we strongly support an intervention by our State Government to take over planning from local Government around these TOD centres.”
Woy Woy
Following representations to the Minister by Peninsula Chamber of Commerce President Matthew Wales the Government has added Woy Woy to the TOD list for the Central Coast.
Mr Wales said, “Including Woy Woy as a TOD is crucial to the future of the town centre which urgently needs development incentives to revitalise the commercial precinct".
“This will open the door to greater opportunities for substantial shop top (mixed use) development and affordable housing options close to one of the busiest regional rail hubs in New South Wales".
Mr Wales said, "The current planning controls for Woy Woy have been an abject failure with no substantive new development since
Council Administrator not onside with TODs for Coast
Following NSW Premier Chris Minns announcing plans for more high-density housing to be built across a number of transport hubs in Sydney, the Illawarra, Hunter and Central Coast, Central Coast Council was quick to come out against the reforms.
At its 27 February meeting Council Administrator Rik Hart tabled a Submission to the Department Planning, Housing and Infrastructure on the proposed Transport Oriented Development Programme and Low Mid Rise housing reforms.
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