NSW-Guangdong Joint Economic Meeting visit puts Central Coast on global map
Regional Development Australia Central Coast (RDACC), together with its project partnersCentral Coast Industry Connect (CCIC), Central Coast Business Chamber, the University of Newcastle including the Newcastle Institute of Energy & Resources (NIER), Central Coast Council and the NSW Government, hosted the 27th NSW-Guangdong Joint Economic Meeting regional visit of Delegates to the Central Coast in late October.
Regarded as the most significant trade and investment initiative between NSW and China in2019, the Sister State relationship between NSW and Guangdong facilitates mutually beneficial economic and trade opportunities for both areas.
RDACC Director Regional Development and Chief Executive Officer, John Mouland, said including the Central Coast in the itinerary of this visit was a critical step for our region. "Today we have been proud to showcase some of the best assets the Central Coast has to offer to this important international audience," he said.
Delegates visited Family Fresh Farms' glasshouse cucumber production facility at Peats Ridge and the Department of Primary Industries' Research Centre at the Ourimbah Campus.
The Central Coast was chosen following the launch earlier this year of the Central Coast Food Innovation Region, an initiative of RDA Central Coast and establishment of a formal partnership with the University of Newcastle (including NIER) and Central Coast Industry Connect.
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