OneBlink aims high with Global Landing Pad
Gosford based company OneBlink, who develops and markets software that's used by government and enterprise customers to create customised business applications, has been selected to participate in this year's Global Landing Pad (DGLP) program run by the Denver (Colorado)
Economic Development Corporation.
OneBlink was selected from amongst 50 international applications to be part of this year's cohort of 15 companies.
The DLGP program supports start-up or scale-up companies looking to establish operations in the USA. It is a free program business acceleration program and helps participant companies experience a soft landing and quick expansion, with a focus on Denver as a prime location.
This year's cohort represent 7 different countries and come from a variety of industry sectors, with the criteria that each is primed for international expansion.
This is particularly relevant for OneBlink, as in the last 12 months it has secured a significant distribution partner for North America with revenues flowing almost immediately from those agreements.
Darren Besgrove, CEO OneBlink, said "we can see international revenues that will quickly rival our domestic business, while remaining firmly grounded as a Central Coast headquartered company".
OneBlink currently provides software and services to NSW Biosecurity and Food Safety, Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, as well as SafeWork NSW where they recently developed the popular "Speak Up" app. A range of Local Government Agencies (including Central
Coast Council) and enterprise customers make up OneBlink's Australian customers.
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