The Central Coast's Most Trusted News Source For Over 30 Years

No money to pay wages Minister appoints Interim Administrator
14 December 2020
It took a crisis that saw Central Coast Council unable to pay the wages bill that forced Minister for Local Government, Shelley Hancock MP, to "Suspend" Central Coast Council and appoint an "Interim" Administrator to take control of what now appears to have been a totally dysfunctional organisation. The appointment of Dick Persson AO, a career public servant and local government administrator with over 40 years' experience, for a three month term that could be exte...
Our annus horribilis
14 December 2020
It started with the most devastating bush fire season in history although for our region it could have been much worse. By February storms and floods in early February saw parts of Wamberal Beach and North Entrance beach washed away and all around the lakes extensive flooding causing the Government to declare a natural disaster. And came COVID-19 that saw the state locked down and borders, state and international, closed. That was March and it went on until June and beyond that too. ...
Trevor Hargreaves - Central Coast Shopfronts & Architectural Windows Do it once, do it well
14 December 2020
Trevor Hargreaves was still a teenager when he won his first award in window manufacturing. Presented by the Gosford Rotary Club when he was working for Sterland Brothers at West Gosford, 'Do it Once, Do it Well'. The trophy still takes pride of place amongst others in Trevor's office 41 years later. More significantly, it represents a core value he has upheld throughout his career and business journey and one he has always expected of his team. Celebrating 33 years in bus...
6.0% return for Sydney investor on Wyoming property
9 November 2020
A Sydney investor has paid $1,020,000 (GST not applicable) for an investment property at 30 Renwick Street, Wyoming showing a net yield of 6.0% per annum. The property comprises a well established purpose-built 250 sqm medical centre built in the 1980's on a 816 sqm block with two street access and parking and includes 2-bedroom residential unit upstairs. Lease terms are 5 years x 5 years of which 4 years remain on the option at a rental of $61,198,90 net plus GST. The property ha...
Caine King - Architect
9 November 2020
The King family has been on the Central Coast for five generations. As a local business owner with such strong roots on the Coast, Caine King is a passionate and active advocate for our region. The founding director of CKDS, a multi-award-winning architectural firm based in East Gosford and Newcastle, Caine, business partner Stuart Campbell, and their team have designed and facilitated some of the most iconic and applauded buildings, homes and public structures in both regions. So how d...