Protective Fencing sails through COVID-19 crisis
One of the most talked about issues to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis has been Australia's dependence on overseas manufactured goods.
The much vaunted idea that globalisation would be the panacea to all of Australia's supply needs from cheap medicines to chemicals and all sorts of manufactured goods from China and the rest of Asia has proved to be a myth.
With supply chains being disrupted and the dollar dropping through the floor those businesses who opted for lower quality and lower costs have been caught and business continuity has been put at risk.
One of the best examples of this being the case is with Somersby fence manufacturers, Protective Fencing, who have stuck with Australian steel manufacturers for over forty years and are now being rewarded with a guarantee of supply of their raw material and as a result are able to guarantee supply to customers who have similarly been loyal to them over that period.
InfraBuild, formerly known as OneSteel, is the only supplier of steel wire products made from Australian steel and they have been around for over 100 years.
These business relationships and commitment to quality products and service is the reason why there has been no downturn for Protective Fencing.
"Our turnover has been consistent all along," says Mr Gibbens, "We have been able to maintain our workforce right through this crisis and I don't see that changing."
Commenting on the COVID-19 as a health and safety issue, General Manager of Sales, Ben Gregson said, "right from the start we took specific precautions to ensure the personal safety of all our staff. Some work from home where it is best for them and across the business everyone practices social distancing. It has brought our team together because they appreciate that we are taking precautions seriously. Daily online WIP meetings are making us more connected and this is fed into improved efficiencies".
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