5 December 2024
At its 26th November meeting Central Coast Council authorised CEO David Farmer, as a matter of urgency to negotiate an aviation services lease for a helicopter hub over part of the Central Coast Airport at Warnervale with Nighthawks Aviation Pty Ltd, a company specialising in advanced helicopter training, maintenance and support.Nighthawks Aviation has been in talks with Council since they first sought Expressions of Interest in relation to the Airport Masterplan two years ago. ...
5 December 2024
At its November 26th meeting Council moved to establish an Economic Development Committee consisting of five Councillors plus the Mayor.Notably, except for Councillors Smith and Neal who abstained indicating they were against the motion and Councillor Lamont who left the meeting before the vote, all other councillors voted for the establishment of the Committee proposed by Cr Eaton.It was not without considerable debate, having been left on the table from Council’s October meeting.The...
7 November 2024
Business at the first meeting of the new Central Coast Council on 29th October consisted of a raft of reports from financial statements, investment reports and most significantly the Central Coast Region Report (formerly known as ‘End of Term’ Report), as well as the usual committee appointments and other items of business for Councillors to consider.The Central Coast Region Report, a requirement of the Local Government Act spans the financial years 2021-22 through to 2023-24 and it...
7 November 2024
Undoubtedly the most important item on the agenda for Council’s October 29th meeting was the last item of business, a notice of motion by Councillors Eaton, McNamara and Wright for the establishment of an Economic Development Committee for the term of the Council.It would consist of five councillors plus the mayor and meet every month. They would be councillors McWaide, Mouland, McNamara, Lamont and Crowley plus the Mayor.With business confidence on the Central Coast at a very l...
7 November 2024
With the Central Coast falling behind in providing its share of the State’s housing targets and with a newly elected Central Coast Council, Business NSW Central Coast has drawn together over 130 leaders from across the property development spectrum to hear of the opportunities the region offers for developers and investors.Held in the conference facilities of the new Gosford RSL the Central Coast Housing Summit participants heard of the site options and priority development area...