Trees and squirrel gliders more important than housing for CC Council
While Australia and NSW are suffering a critical affordable housing shortage and people are sleeping in their cars at night staff at all levels at Central Coast Council are more interested in trees, squirrel gliders and the swift parrot.
But there’s more! This Council simply does not want any development of any kind if it means cutting down a tree or taking out some so-called endangered species of plant.
Their focus is totally on green space.
Currently a proposal by a group of 50 landowners at East Wadalba to have their land, that is sandwiched between thousands of houses that stretch from Watonobbi to Wyongah is being tied up by Central Coast Council who is using every trick in the book to stop or delay their land being developed.
The East Wadalba proposal with around 650 lots would add some $1.5 million annually in rate income for Council.
The land in question is part of Wyong Council’s Urban Release Area that was identified for housing in the early 1990s.
Meanwhile CCBR understands that the landowners have recently approached the new State Government through their local member, David Harris and are hopeful that a resolution will quickly be found, particularly as the Premier has made fixing the state’s critical housing problem a top priority.
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