UON appoints Central Coast Interim Executive Dean
University of Newcastle Vice Chancellor, Professor Alex Zelinsky AO has announced the appointment of Professor Michael Bowyer who will take on the role of Interim Executive Dean (ED) Central Coast.
To be formally recruited later this year, the Executive Dean Central Coast is a new role reflecting the University’s strong commitment to the Central Coast and the delivery of outstanding educational offerings, research and engagement for the region. This role will be a member of the University’s Executive team and will report to me as Vice-Chancellor.
Professor Bowyer’s long-term commitment to the Central Coast as a leading researcher and champion for the region makes him ideally positioned to take on this role while the University recruits the substantive position.
Professor Bowyer succeeds Dr Brok Glenn, the outgoing Dean Regional Campuses whose efforts have contributed substantially to the strong presence and networks the University has built in Ourimbah and Gosford.
Most recently, Dr Glenn was instrumental in leading the development of the Central Coast Clinical School and Research Institute, located at the Gosford hospital site. This was a multi-faceted project underpinned by careful negotiations that Brok expertly guided to completion, one of many such projects over the last years.
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