We’re on our own – its all about Western Sydney
An article in the Sydney Morning Herald of 9th February highlights where the Liberal and Labor Party’s priorities are, and they are not on the Central Coast.
The article by Alexandra Smith says that ‘most evenings in the up-for-grab seats NSW Labor is holding focus groups to take the temperature of the electorates….”
Winning western Sydney seats is necessary to put him (Opposition Leader Chris Minns) in power, she says.
It’s a similar story with the Liberals and being in government for twelve years puts them on the front foot when it comes to handing out largesse.
As we have said before, this government is not a NSW Government it is the Western Sydney Government.
A few weeks ago, CCBR received a Media Release from the Treasurer (we get lots of media releases!)
See Page 7 - Government pumps over $5 billion into Western Sydney – nothing for the Coast. We print it in its entirety because it shows unashamedly this government is pouring money into Western Sydney and not one cent for the Central Coast.
To back this up we have not seen one senior minister or shadow minister on the Central Coast campaigning since the campaign started.
Winning elections isn’t rocket science. It is simply a matter of winning the swinging seats.
It has always been thus and on that basis, it is obvious that neither political party will ever be interested in the Central Coast. The Labor Party’s vote in Gosford, The Entrance, Wyong and Swansea is rock solid, and it is the same in Terrigal with Liberals well entrenched.
Gosford university campus done – TAFE next!
It is with a great feeling of accomplishment that we report on the State Government finally signing off on University of Newcastle’s Gosford Campus (See Page 5).
CCBR and the Gosford Erina Business Chamber have had to drag this government, kicking and screaming, to get this Campus and its taken some six years.
The next important project for Gosford is a new TAFE.
Prevaricating on this is issue on the part of the government would show an even greater disregard for our region than we have witnessed over the past twelve years.
And that applies to which ever Party takes government.
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